Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Nzambani Rock

The Nzambani rock - Ivya ya Nzambani - is quite a popular scenic attraction in Kitui District. What makes this rock unique is the story behind it that has been passed along from one generation to another. The overnight "noises" and "imaginary women and children overnight activities" are some of the stories behind this Rock.

Folklore has it that if one goes round the rock 7 times, they would have their gender changed! Stories go of men and women who changed to the opposite sex after doing this.

It is not possible to authenticate these claims however the origin of this rock is told by two interesting stories: It is said that when the earliest missionaries arrrived in Kamba land, they were met by hostile opposition from the locals.

One such incidence is told of missionaries who while being pursued by Kamba worriors sought refuge inside the rock. Inside of the rock caves, they stumbled upon robes which they quickly wore to disguise themselves. When the warriors caught up with them after a long chase, they were shocked at what they saw. To them, the misionaries had transformed into women! thus the legend of Nzambani rock.

Another story is told of a beautiful Kamba maiden, Nzambani, who together with two other girls, went to fetch firewood. While doing so, she saw a beautiful round stone that was good for grinding tobacco snuff for her grandfather.

Nzambani took the stone and hid it from the other two. After they were done collecting firewood, Nzambani tried to remove the stone so she could carry it in a better way but the stone could not be removed. She then cried for help. The other girls rushed back to the village to call Nzambani's parents who came to her rescue but in vain.

In frustration, they left her and coming the following day, she had become a rock. Locals say that the rock continues to grow to-date.


By carolyne Veke

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